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Header 6 - Spiritual Astrology - Mercedes Simon

Astrology is the art of observing the correspondence between the position of the planets in the sky and the events that occur here on earth, both on a personal level and on a collective level. From Mesopotamia to the present day, this ancient wisdom has been developing with methodical observation, practice and inner revelation, becoming the body of knowledge that has come to our days.

To consider the fact that there is a correlation between the position of the celestial bodies and what happens here in the Earth means to accept that the Earth is not an independent entity, but that it exists in continuous interaction with the Cosmos: with the Moon, with the Sun, with the planets, and with the whole Universe, being part of a system ruled by physical laws as well as non-physical laws which cannot be measured scientifically but nevertheless operate in a subtle and mysterious way.

The physical influence of the stars on us is relatively easy to perceive. The daily and annual cycles of the Sun affect our activities such as sleeping or eating, as well as plant growth, the transformation of trees along the seasons, or the movements of migrating birds. Equally, the phases of the Moon affect the tides, the floods of the rivers, the sap of plants, the nocturnal behavior of animals and our bodily liquids. However, beyond this physically perceptible influence, the planets and stars also exert influences on more subtle levels. The phases of Moon affects our moods and the cycles of the Sun our levels of energy. For example, it has been noted that during the Full Moon animals and men show a tendency to aggressive or mad behaviors, and that Sun eclipses can have a destructive effect, both individually and collectively. Also along history other correspondences between planets and earthly events have been observed, like for example certain positions of Mars and Venus with periods of wars and peace respectively. The study of all these correspondences aims to establish a relationship between the physical and non-physical dimensions of the Universe, and to understand that everything in the Cosmos operates according to an order.

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