Kabbalistic Astrology

Kabbalistic Astrology is a branch of Astrology that combines the Natal Chart with the diagram of the Tree of Life in order to reveal the emotional and spiritual dimensions of the psyche in correspondence with the planetary fields. Both Astrology and Kabbalah have their origins in Mesopotamia and were intertwined in the diagram of the Tree of Life in medieval times.
The art-science of Kabbalistic Astrology fundamentally uses the Natal Chart—as a tool to know the positions and influences of the planets—and the Tree of LIfe—to gain deeper meaning into the spiritual dimensions of the psyche-. When the planetary positions of the natal chart are transferred to the Tree of Life, we obtain a unique Tree of LIfe for each person that reflects the qualities of their psyche and soul.

Correspondences between the planets and the sefirot in the Tree of Life:

MALKHUT – ASCENDANT: It represents the physical body, the health and vitality and all the processes of organic life.
YESOD – MOON: It represents the ego, the survival instincts and the conditioning of the culture to which one person belongs.
HOD – MERCURY: It represents the mind and the ability to learn and communicate concepts or ideas.
NEZAH – VENUS: It represents the desires, the stimuli and the pursuit of pleasure.
TIFERET – SUN: It represents the Self, the centre of our being, from which Beauty, Goodness and Truth emanate.
GEVURAH – MARS: It represents judgment, the ability to defend or attack, to compete and to achieve goals with military discipline.
HESED – JUPITER: It represents expansion, generosity and compassion, as well as the ability to seek new opportunities and emotional abundance.
DAAT – PLUTO: This is a non-sefirah, as it is of different nature from the rest. This is the door to a higher dimension, the tunnel that leads to the light of higher consciousness. The experience of the transformation of darkness into higher knowledge awaits here.
BINAH – SATURN: It represents the experience accumulated throughout life, the understanding of its structure, its repeating lessons and long-term patterns.
HOCKHMAH – URANUS: It represents the lightning flash of inspiration and wisdom that brings a new vision. and may disrupt the established concepts and ideas.
KETER – NEPTUNE: At the highest point of the Tree, it represents the union with the Divine, the transcendent point that leads to the return to the Divine Light where we originally come from.
Example of correspondence between the Natal Chart and the Tree of Life:
Just as we all have a unique Natal Chart, we also have a unique Tree of Life based on the time and place of our birth.
While in the Natal Chart we can read themes related to different areas of our life, such as relationships, money, career, family, friends or health, in our personal Tree of Life we can delve into the deeper layers of our being, and gain insights into our soul and spirit. The vertical arrangement of Tree of Life shows the different levels of consciousness of our psyche, from the physical world—at the bottom of the Tree—, through the emotional and the spiritual dimensions, to the Divine Realm—at the top of the Tree.
By knowing and working with our particular Tree of Life we can gain insights into our inner strengths, psychological characteristics, the essence of our soul and the purpose of our life: our fate and destiny.