With the current emergence of the coronavirus —along with the political, economic and social fragmentations that already existed— humanity is being immersed in great changes that resonate, astrologically, with the powerful planetary configuration that dominates the sky:
- The Solar Eclipse of December 26, 2019
- The Lunar Eclipse of January 10, 2020
- The conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn
- Uranus in Taurus
- Neptune in Pisces
Let us study these astrological positions in relation to the current events, as well as their correspondences with other historical times in which humanity has experienced similar situations.
SOLAR ECLIPSE (December 26 – 2019)
Solar eclipses are known to bring about important events for humanity. Since ancient times, the arrival of these events —which occur twice a year— were feared, due to the adverse effects that they entailed. Over the centuries, astrological studies have attested the effects of solar eclipses on earth and humanity. However, it has also been determined that not all eclipses are equal in effect or intensity, for that depends on the degree of totality of the eclipse and on the planetary configuration that surrounds it. Thus, the effect of a solar eclipse could last between 6 and 18 months.
The symbolism of a solar eclipse portrays a moment of darkness, in which the light that dominates the sky and gives life to everything that exists on earth, is temporarily extinguished. This symbolism carries with it a connotation of “end”; the ending of a chapter of existence before the beginning of a new one. This moment of pause, in which everything is contained in a latent state of silence, holds within itself the seed of what is to come.
Solar Eclipse (December 26, 2019) – Public announcement of the Coronavirus (December 31, 2019)
The eclipse that occurred on December 26, 2019, contains a powerful astrological configuration. Interestingly, the presence of the coronavirus was publicly disclosed on December 31, on a near date to the solar eclipse. Thus, the correspondence between the macrocosm and the microcosm was reflected, in the similarity between “the ring of fire” of the solar eclipse and the coronavirus, and also in the seed of change that both contain. As the hermetic principle says: “As Above, so Below”.
Let us now look at the different astrological components of this significant eclipse:
• The eclipse occurred in the sign of Capricorn. Eclipses, by their nature, denote important changes and the sign of Capricorn emphasizes, even more, the notion of “end”. Capricorn is a sign ruled by Saturn, which, being the farthest planet observable by the naked eye, has traditionally been associated with limits and endings.
• The eclipse occurred in close conjunction with Jupiter, a planet that symbolizes greatness and expansiveness; but being in “fall” in the sign of Capricorn, its expansive essence possibly results in the propagation of something unfavourable.
• The eclipse is in trine aspect to Uranus in Taurus, which points to important changes, radical and unforeseen, especially in the area of health and economy —characteristic of Uranus in Taurus.
• Although it is not in aspect to the eclipse, we must also consider the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn, which entails harsh political, economic and social crises, as well as an accentuation of the symbolism of “death and transformation”, derived from both planets.
• Finally, it is essential to highlight Neptune’s position in Pisces. Neptune, a planet that entails the intangible and the invisible, is associated not only with spirituality, but also, at its opposite extreme, with all kinds of diseases and viruses that are difficult to detect. As Neptune is in its own sign of Pisces, a symbol of the limitless, it is to be expected that whatever spreads —by the effect of Jupiter in conjunction with the Solar Eclipse— will do so invisibly, quickly and without bounds.
Given this astrological configuration, let us consider: How can physical limits be placed in order to contain what is limitless and spreads invisibly and exponentially? And, how can we deal with the unforeseen medical, economic, political and ecological changes that this virus entails? Let us continue with the study of the current and historical planetary configurations, to help us shed some light on these questions.
LUNAR ECLIPSE – January 10, 2020
While a solar eclipse contains the seed of what is to come during the next 6 to 18 months, the subsequent lunar eclipse —which takes place fourteen days after the solar eclipse—, shows what the impact of that seed will be on humanity —for a Full Moon Eclipse emphasises the survival instincts and the behaviour of the masses—.
Lunar Eclipse (January 10, 2020) – The eclipse reflect the future impact of the coronavirus on the population
During the Lunar Eclipse on January 10, the Moon was in the sign of Cancer, in opposition to the Sun, Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, and in trine to Neptune in Pisces. The Full Moon in its own sign of Cancer symbolizes, more than any other sign, the population at a great scale.
Let us take a closer look at the aspects of the Moon during the eclipse:
• The trine —an aspect that indicates fluidity— to Neptune in Pisces shows the rapid expansion that the virus will have on humanity during the next months.
• The opposition to Saturn —a planet that symbolizes limits and that is strongly located in its rulership sign of Capricorn— indicates the need to set physical boundaries between people in order to contain the virus. These boundaries, characteristic of Saturn in Capricorn, have progressively hardened: from the use of masks and gloves, to the 1-meter safety distance between people, to the confinement of the population in their homes— separated by walls. Saturn in Capricorn also represents the restrictive rules regarding the free movement of people that many governments have progressively put into practice.
• The opposition to Mercury, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, as a whole, indicates, on the one hand, the restrictions on commercial activities and, on the other hand, the compulsive need to acquire food and essential items for survival.
• Likewise, the opposition to Pluto and Saturn symbolizes the fear of death that can spread among the population, along with the deep emotional crises derived from this difficult situation. Sadly, this opposition is also indicative of physical death itself. However, this aspect also holds the potential to transform (Pluto) and slow (Saturn) this crisis through an act of responsibility (Saturn) of the population (Moon).
• The trine to Neptune —a symbol of the transcendent and the spiritual— also contains, in its positive side, the potential of a new spiritual awakening, towards a more humane scale of values, connection with the soul and alignment with the Divine.
At the end of this article we will explore further the positive potential that we can extract from the current planetary configuration but, before that, let us study the Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12, as well as its resonance with other similar conjunctions throughout of history.
Every 36 years, approximately, a conjunction between Saturn and Pluto takes place. This conjunction is highly significant, since it denotes the transformation (Pluto) of collective structures (Saturn) that have been built over time, along with a period of “death and crisis” that derives from both planets. Within this 36-year cycle, not only the conjunction, but also the squares and opposition between both planets are significant moments of intense impact on the collective, as we shall see later. To fully comprehend the nature of this cycle between Saturn and Pluto, let us first revise the symbolism of both planets separately:
Saturn – Planet, Symbol and Mythology (Chronos)
Saturn was the most distant of the planets known in ancient times. Due to its slow movement, it was associated with time, life cycles, experience and understanding. The furthest of planets observable with the naked eye, Saturn was the limit of the known universe and, therefore, it was also associated with death. In Greek mythology, Saturn was associated with the god Chronos, who was king of heaven during the Golden Age of the Gods, a time when humanity lived in perfect order and harmony —even though he was a tyrant god who, for fear of being overthrown, devoured each of his children when they were born—. Centuries later, with the invention of the telescope, astrologers were able to observe the beautiful circular rings of Saturn, which resonated with the symbolism of limit and order attributed to this planet.
In astrological terms, Saturn symbolises limits and death, as well as order, collective structures and traditions maintained throughout time. In its positive form, it represents seriousness, responsibility, strategy and commitment; whereas adversely it entails rigidity, coldness and severity. Saturn is also associated with the elderly, as well as with the laws, governments and authority figures.
SATURN IN CAPRICORN: Saturn is currently strengthened in Capricorn —its sign of rulership—. Therefore, all its symbolism is expressed with great power. Saturn in Capricorn represents the political, economic and legal structures of society, as well as the large organizations, companies and institutional systems.
Pluto – Planet, Symbol and Mythology (Hades)
Pluto was discovered in 1930, during a dark time of economic crisis between the Wars; a time when nuclear power was being discovered, organized crime had great power, and totalitarian systems were rising. On its positive side, this was also a time when theories about psychology and the unconscious were being developed. All of these themes resonate with Pluto.
In Greek mythology, Hades (later called Pluto) was the god of the underworld and the ruler of the dead. He carried a pitchfork, with which he could cause earthquakes, and a helmet of invisibility. He reigned with his wife Persephone, whom he had kidnapped and forced to accompany him in the government of the underworld.
In astrological terms, Pluto symbolises death, existential crises and the encounter with the unknown. In its negative form, it represents manipulation, cruelty, secrecy and abuse of power; while in its positive side, it portrays the ability to see beyond the physical, to penetrate into the depth of the unknown, and to experience rebirth after a process of cathartic transformation.
PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008, when a global economic crisis occurred. Since then, while transiting through this sign, Pluto has, like an active earthquake, caused fragmentations in the political, economic and social systems.
Let us now combine the symbolism of both planets, to see what the actual conjunction and cycle could hold. If Saturn means structure and Pluto destruction, during this conjunction strong earthquakes in the political and financial systems —characteristic of Capricorn— are to be expected. During this 36-year cycle, inexorably, Pluto will destroy structures that are not firm enough to stay upright, while Saturn will attempt to resist the tremors of Pluto and rebuild stronger structures for the long term. Perhaps, only the skeletons of some companies and governments will be left to be transformed and regenerated; for others, the damages will be insuperable. In general terms, a tough economic crisis on a collective level can be expected, which will put the strain on governments and world organizations.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction (January 10, 2020) – Begining of the coronavirus crisis
Capricorn, as an Earth sign, is also related to medicine and health, especially to the practical and established knowledge of this science. It is therefore not surprising that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction is carrying such a huge crisis in the area of public health. Let us note that, together with these planets, Mercury and the Sun are also part of this conjunction. Mercury —associated with the Greek god Hermes, bearer of the caduceus symbol of medicine— adds emphasis to the health crisis. At the same time, the Sun, symbol of light and life, shows literally, by its conjunction with Saturn and Pluto, “life coming to an end”. Unfortunately, therefore, the loss of lives could be expected. Mercury, positioned between the Sun and Saturn, also reflects the intermediation role of doctors and nurses (Mercury), who dwell between the life (Sun) and death (Saturn-Pluto) of the affected people.
It is important to understand that we are at the beginning of this cycle between Saturn and Pluto. What we are now experiencing is the seed of what is to come for the next 36 years. This means that, although this health crisis could be reduced in the next 18 months (maximum time marked since the December Solar Eclipse), the restructuring of the health, economic and political systems will be a process of slow recovery that will last the entire cycle. Likewise, it is very likely that the seed of this crisis will lie dormant and reappear at key moments during this cycle, especially during the squares or opposition between Saturn and Pluto (in 2028, 2036 and 2045). This will be the subject of another article. Let us now look at certain historical moments that resonate with the current one, in which both the Saturn-Pluto cycle and eclipses have corresponded to situations of collective crisis.
From historical records, we have evidence of the main pandemics that have occurred. However, it is impossible to know the exact moment in which the viruses that caused them arose. Therefore, we can only refer to the moments in which those pandemics were registered, although their true origin could have occurred years or decades earlier, before spreading across the continents. What is significant, in astrological terms, is that the times when most deaths have been recorded in humanity, have coincided with powerful eclipses on the Capricorn-Cancer axis, along with significant moments of the Saturn-Pluto cycle (mainly conjunctions, but also squares and oppositions). Let us look at some examples below, although this historical review would require deeper analysis.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn – Pluto Square Saturn – 539 AD:
Between 540 and 543 AD, during the Byzantine Empire, one of the greatest epidemics in history took place, which spread through Asia, Africa and Europe. Around 40 million people —approximately 20% of the world population— died. Prelude to this epidemic, during the years 539 and 540 AD, there were several solar and lunar eclipses in the sign of Capricorn, in conjunction with Pluto, an astrological configuration similar to the current one. Neptune was, also like today, in the profuse and unlimited sign of Pisces —with Jupiter by conjunction increasing its ability to spread any virus and illnesses. The square between Saturn and Pluto in 539 occurred, significantly, when the epidemic was at a critical point. Further study is required to find out whether the true origin of this epidemic could be found around the year 514 AD, when the Saturn-Pluto cycle began by conjunction.
Solar Eclipse in Capricorn in conjunction to Pluto (December 26, 539 AD) – The “Great Plague of Justinian”
Eclipse and Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn – 1284:
The end of the 13th century was a period of crisis, brought about not only by the incipient and dramatic climate change —a turning point between the “Medieval Warm Period” and the “Medieval Ice Age” — but also by the urgent need for economic, political and social restructuring generated by the great increase in population. We can only imagine the difficult, chaotic and fragmentary process of disintegration of the hitherto predominant pyramid feudal systems —in which a lord ruled over the fields and the farmer vassals— at the same time as the new cities were built, on a much larger scale and with new laws that had to respond to a much more complex society and economy. This is a situation that resonates with the current one in the 21st century, in which the laws and political structures of the different nations conflict with the more complex reality of a global world.
Eclipse and Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn (1284-1285) – Innocent III announced that the world would end in 1284
At that time, specifically in the year 1284, the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn took place, followed by a solar eclipse in the same sign, as it has similarly happened now, in the year 2020. It is significant that Pope Innocent III had earlier predicted that the world would end in the year 1284, when this conjunction took place —even though that pope did not know of the existence of Pluto—. The “End of the World” did not happen literally, but that time did bring about the end of the known structures as well as the emergence of a new order, a symbol of which were the cathedrals, great gothic structures that reflect the conjunction of Saturn (structure) and Pluto (power) in Capricorn (stone). It should be, however, noted that although that astrological configuration resonates greatly with the current one, the position of Neptune in Virgo —as opposed to Pisces— was not a propitiating agent of massive epidemics.
Medieval Feudal System
From feudal systems to medieval cities
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 1318:
Severer was the following Saturn-Pluto conjunction, in 1318, which coincided with a period of great famine in Europe. The cold temperatures had had devastating consequences on the crops, which affected the population of both the countryside and cities. Mortality spread and the population, which had been increasing during the previous centuries, began to decrease. Likewise, the economy suffered serious crises, governments broke up, crime increased and epidemics began to spread.
This Saturn-Pluto conjunction brought with it a time of disintegration, economic chaos and great losses. At the same time, several eclipses occurred next to these two planets in the sign of Pisces, which accentuated the grave disturbances, with cannibalism being the most devastating and negative reflection of this astrological configuration. The Sun, next to Saturn and Pluto during their conjunction, shows again the loss of life and the decrease in population that this era brought along. The sign of Pisces reflects both the seed of new diseases —which would spread in the next cycle of Saturn and Pluto— as well as the religious crisis that was experienced at that time, due to the common feeling that prayers had no effect, which led to the loss of faith and distrust of the Church.
Saturn -Pluto Conjunction in Pisces (1318) – Climate change and famine
Famine and Cannibalism in medieval times
BLACK DEATH (1347-1353)
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 1350:
The two previous conjunctions of Saturn and Pluto were the prelude to the most devastating pandemic that humanity has suffered, the Black Death, which took place at the time of the next conjunction, in the year 1350. The symbolism of Pluto and Saturn, associated with death, darkness, crisis, chaos and destruction, reached its maximum expression at this time. It is estimated that between 75 and 200 million people died in Asia, Europe and Africa, which meant a decrease of approximately 50% of the population. The Saturn-Pluto conjunction –due to retrograde movements– lasted about two years, at the same time as the peak of mortality, while several solar and lunar eclipses on the Cancer-Capricorn axis squared this conjunction. Again, this resonates with the current situation.
Another remarkable resonance is given by Uranus located in Taurus, in the same position in which it is currently. Uranus in this sign shows the radical and unforeseen changes that pandemic brought in the area of health and the economy. Nevertheless, it also signifies the medical advances that were developed to combat the pandemic, many of which are the basis of modern medicine. Uranus in Taurus could also reflect a correction and rebalancing between climate, demographics and natural resources of the Earth, that we are also witnessing today.
Saturn – Pluto Conjunction in Aries (1350) – Peak of deaths in Europe by the Black Death
The Triumph of Death, by Pieter Brueghel the Elder
The population of Europe falls in half during the Black Death (1347-1351)
Unlike the current situation, however, let us point out that the drastic mortality produced by the Black Death could be associated with the sign of Aries in which the Saturn-Pluto conjunction took place. Aries is a sign ruled by Mars, a planet associated with war and destruction. The sign of Aries, moreover, being the first of the zodiacal signs, represents also the notion of “death and rebirth”. Thus, the Black Death, despite its devastating consequences, marked the end of the medieval period and the beginning of the new historical period that was the Renaissance (“Rebirth”). It would be the next conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in Taurus, in the year 1381, the carrier of the seed of art, beauty, economy and industry that would resurface in the Renaissance after that tragic dark period.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 1820
The nineteenth century was marked by the emergence of the cholera epidemic, which spread from India to all the continents throughout the century. The initial outbreak occurred between 1817 and 1824, coinciding with the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto in the water sign of Pisces. Note also the square aspects to Neptune, Mercury and Uranus in Sagittarius (symbol of great distances), as well as the trines to Mars and the Moon (also located in water signs) during this conjunction; all of which represents the way in which this infection spread, through international trade, migratory movements, and through the intake of non-drinkable water.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Pisces (1820) – Cholera begins in India
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 1852
Cholera disease continued to spread during the 19th century through different outbreaks, but it is worth noting the peak of deaths that occurred at the start of the next Saturn-Pluto cycle in 1852. The conjunction of these planets in Aries is especially negative because Saturn in this sign is in its “fall”, making it difficult to put limits on the disease. During this conjunction, again, the great trine in water signs, formed by Jupiter, Mars and Venus, symbolises the spread of this disease through unhealthy water. Lastly, we can also observe that Neptune was in Pisces and Uranus in Taurus, in the same signs as they are in 2020.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Aries (1852) – Third outbreak and peak of the cholera pandemic
FIRST WORLD WAR (1914-1918)
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 1914
In 1914, coinciding with the start of the First World War, there was a Saturn-Pluto conjunction in the sign of Cancer. This is a zodiac sign that represents nationalism and patriotism. It is not surprising, then, that the conjunction of these two planets resulted in a war between nations, due to which 17 million people died. The Full Moon that took place during this conjunction, with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Aries, highlights the duality of the warlike conflict. It is also significant the position of Mars, symbol of war, in the destructive sign of Scorpio and in trine to the Saturn-Pluto conjunction. The devastating consequences of this war were not only the dramatic loss of human lives, but also the disabilities and amputations with which millions of soldiers had to live thereafter, as well as the deterioration of the economy, the profusion of hunger and the spread of disease.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction (October 4, 1914) – Start of the First World War (July 28, 1914)
Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn in opposition to Pluto (July 4, 1918) – Start of the “Spanish Flu”
Image of a hospital during the “Spanish Flu”
SECOND WORLD WAR (1939-1945)
Saturn-Pluto Square – 1939:
Within the same cycle that began in 1914 with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction, a critical point was reached at the moment of the square between both planets. Thus, the seed of the conjunction that brought along the First World War would resurface in 1939, when the square occurred, with the Second World War. Many historians consider both wars as part of the same global conflict, and this is confirmed by Astrology, since both wars appear as part of the same Saturn-Pluto cycle. Pluto’s position in the sign of Leo reflects the totalitarian and absolutist power that prevailed on the German side, while Saturn in the fixed sign of Taurus shows the position of the French resistance. Among the devastating consequences of World War II were the massacres, genocides and bombs, which left more than 75 million dead people, as well as cities in ruins, proliferation disease and hunger.
Saturn-Pluto Square (September 1, 1939) – Begining of World War II
An image of World War II
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 1947:
The next Saturn-Pluto conjunction, in 1947, carried another dramatic period in the history of humanity. On the one hand, this new cycle marked the end of the two previous wars; but on the other hand, it opened the door to the new power of nuclear weapons of mass destruction. The conjunction of these planets, in the fire sign of Leo and in conjunction with the Sun (symbol of energy), shows the devastating power of this astrological configuration. Although the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombs occurred in 1945, two years before this cycle began, we can relate them to it, since Pluto was already in Leo, and the later Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurred at the height of nuclear research. Consequences of the bombs that took place between 1945 and 1949, were the deaths of more than 200,000 people, to which we must sadly add the subsequent deaths and physical deformations of new-borns in the affected areas.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Leo (August 1947) – Development of nuclear weapons between 1945 and 1949
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 1982:
The following Saturn-Pluto conjunction, in 1982, brought with it a period of economic recession and, at the same time, the emergence of the new AIDS epidemic. The Libra sign, in which this conjunction occurred, is a symbol of both commercial agreements and personal relationships, which were drastically affected by the emergence of the new disease. Not only AIDS characterized this era, but also the rise of organized crime and international drug gangs, all distinctive traits of this Saturn-Pluto conjunction. The numerous planets located in the sign of Scorpio (which represents sexuality, taboos, secrecy and addictions) during this conjunction adds emphasis both to the sexual transmission of the new virus as well as to the widespread use of new drugs. That year, several eclipses also took place along the Cancer-Capricorn axis, squaring Saturn and Pluto, which increased the negative effects of this conjunction.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Libra (1982) – Begining of AIDS
AIDS cases peak between 1981 and 1984, at the time of the conjunction Saturn-Pluto Conjunction (1982-1983)
Saturn-Pluto Opposition – 2001:
When the cycle of Saturn and Pluto that had begun in 1982 reached its midpoint, in 2001, the opposition between the two planets coincided with the Twin Towers attack in New York. Noteworthy is the position of Mars (symbol of war) next to Pluto, emphasizing the destructive power of this configuration, in opposition to Saturn in Gemini (which we can literally read as “twin structures”). Mars and Pluto in Sagittarius (a sign that represents long distances, travel and globalization) reflect the type of attack, carried out by aircraft, as well as the global impact that event had, and continues to have, on the world. In that year, also, several eclipses took place on the Cancer-Capricorn axis.
Saturn-Pluto Opposition (July to November 2001) – Attack on the Twin Towers (September 11, 2001)
BACK TO 2020
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction – 2020
Having gone through this brief historical review of the Saturn-Pluto cycle, let us return to the present year 2020, in order to observe the current planetary configuration from a broader perspective, regarding its positive and negative potential. We must not forget that Astrology is indicative of the dynamic quality of the planets that affect the world, but what we make of that quality depends only on humanity.
Saturn-Pluto Conjunction in Capricorn (January 12, 2020) – The coronavirus crisis spreads throughout the world
SATURN-PLUTO CONJUNCTION IN CAPRICORN: As we have seen in the previous examples, the conjunction between these two planets is very powerful and can have dramatic consequences. In its negative aspect, in addition to extensive death and destruction, the conjunction in Capricorn can bring about the collapse of economic and political systems, as well as abuse of power, authoritarian regimes and organized crime. In its positive aspect, this conjunction calls for the elimination of corruption, the transformation of obsolete political structures, and the establishment of new laws that can bring a more harmonious collective order. Likewise, although this conjunction brings disruptions to the economy, it also contains the potential for the regeneration of the economic system from a stronger foundation. Regarding the health crisis, Saturn, located in its own sign of Capricorn, can succeed in the containment of the virus, though strict measures of distancing and lockdown restrictions may have to be applied.
MARS AND JUPITER IN CAPRICORN: Currently, Mars and Jupiter are also in the sign of Capricorn, adding intensity to the global crisis and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction.
MARS IN CAPRICORN, AQUARIUS AND PISCES: Mars entered Capricorn in mid-February. Since then, the intervention of the police and the military systems has been intensified in many countries, as a means of maintaining the collective order during this crisis. It is to be expected, when Mars conjunct Pluto and Saturn, between the end of March and the beginning of April, that the restrictions will increase, which could provoke conflicts on a social level, especially as Mars transits Aquarius until mid-May. Then, when Mars goes through the sign of Pisces, until the end of June, the virus could reach its initial peak. Likewise, it is possible that an effective vaccine may be found, especially when Mars conjuncts Neptune (around the second week of June).
JUPITER IN CAPRICORN: Jupiter entered Capricorn in December 2019 and will be in this sign until the end of December 2020. Jupiter’s movement may be indicative of how the virus spreads. During the summer, Jupiter will be in retrograde motion, indicating that the virus will wane during this time, especially during July and August. However, from mid-September, when Jupiter is in direct motion again, the virus could re-expand. The most critical moments marked by Jupiter may be:
The conjunction of Jupiter with Pluto: in April 5, June 30 (retrograde), and November 12. Around these three dates the hardest moments of expansion of the disease could occur. Around the first date, in April, a great shock wave will be seen; during the second, in June, a peak would be reached before the summer; but the third, in November, could turn out to be the largest.
The conjunction of Jupiter with Saturn, at 0 ° Aquarius, around December 22. It is to be hoped here that there will be some scientific advance (marked by Aquarius), perhaps an antiviral or a preventive test, that can be distributed to the population on a large scale, in order to decrease the progression of the disease during the following months.
Planetary positions (March 20, 2020) – Spring Equinox
SOLAR ECLIPSE (June 21, 2020): On the day of the summer solstice there will be an important eclipse at 0º Cancer. This is a critical point of the zodiac, in which the Sun, once has reached its highest point in the sky, begins to descend and the days become shorter. For this reason, the symbolism of “end” and “darkness” that surrounds eclipses, here, is doubly marked. It is possible that this eclipse will bring the end of a stage of expansion of the virus, which, however, for other astrological reasons noted above, may resurface later. Mainly, this eclipse represents an “end” for much of the population (symbolized by Cancer) who will have, during the months of the eclipse’s influence (between June 2020 and January 2021), to face personal losses and new ways of living, both economically and socially. Note the quincunx between the Sun-Moon and Saturn in Aquarius. This aspect symbolizes the authorities’ control (Saturn) over the population (Cancer), perhaps through new technologies (Aquarius), which people could perceive, with discomfort, as deprivation of their freedom.
Solar Eclipse (June 21, 2020) – Summer Solstice
SATURN IN CAPRICORN AND AQUARIUS: Saturn will spend this year transiting between the two signs of its rulership, Capricorn and Aquarius. Its passage through Capricorn brings with it strong measures, such as the tightening of laws, the imposition of physical limits between people or the cutting of borders between countries. Likewise, it involves a restructuring of the political and economic system. In its most positive version, Saturn in Capricorn encourages reflection and the study of history, to gain knowledge from past experiences that could be useful to the present situation. The transit of Saturn through Aquarius (between March 22 and July 2 and, later, from mid-December 2020 to 2023) will be characterized by a social restructuring through new technologies and scientific advances. We may see the increase of professional activity through the internet. In its negative aspect, Saturn’s position in Aquarius could indicate the rising power of —open or veiled— communist systems that may use this situation of crisis to exert control over the population on a large scale.
URANUS IN TAURUS: Uranus entered Taurus in 2019 and will remain in this sign until 2025. Uranus, a planet that symbolizes both drastic changes and technological advances, will likely shake up the fields of economics, medicine and ecology during these years, all pertaining to Taurus. As we have seen in previous examples, Uranus in Taurus calls for an adjustment between demography, the balance of the planet and the use of natural resources; an adjustment that may require strong Uranian shake-ups. During these years there will be drastic changes in the economy (possibly directed towards a virtual currency economy), as well as advances in the fields of medicine and renewable energy. A positive potential of this configuration is the increase in ecological designs, both on a small and large scale, from clothing fabrics to the design of green cities. At the collective level, Uranus in Taurus could also show a change in the scale of values, from the prominence of materialism towards the importance of health, ecology and nature.
Uranus in Taurus could bring with it the design of more sustainable cities and in harmony with nature
PLUTO IN CAPRICORN: Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008 and will continue in this sign until 2024. Since 2008, we have seen commotions in the economy and fractures in political systems; a situation that, with the conjunction of Pluto and Saturn in this sign, has been strongly aggravated in 2020. As we have seen, Pluto is inexorable in its action, so the downfall of systems that are no longer valid to the requirements of humanity and the planet must be accepted. Likewise, although it is a hard process, Pluto in this sign has the potential to purify and regenerate these systems, and create new systems that are in harmony with the order of the universe. The cathartic processes of Pluto in Capricorn bring with it, at its ultimate positive potential, a healing of the planet and of humanity.
Pluto in Capricorn contains the healing potential of the planet Earth
NEPTUNE IN PISCES: Neptune entered Pisces in 2012, a sign through which it will travel until 2026. As we saw at the beginning, Neptune in Pisces, invisible and unlimited, is both a symbol of viruses and diseases, as well as a symbol of spirituality and higher consciousness. Although Neptune in Pisces may be a carrier of rapidly transmitted diseases, in its positive aspect it opens the door to a higher dimension from which to restore the balance of the spirit, the soul and the body. When we attune, either by prayer or meditation, with the higher power of the Divine, we can heal the mind and thus, to a large extent, disease. During the times of physical isolation imposed by Saturn in Capricorn, Neptune in Pisces calls us to understand that we are all connected on an emotional and spiritual level; it invites us to an awakening of higher consciousness and the realisation that we are all One.
Neptune in Pisces calls to connect with the spiritual dimension, to balance the soul, mind and body
As we have seen throughout this article, given the complex astrological configuration, difficult and uncertain times await us throughout the year 2020 and until the middle of 2021. Astrology can help us understand the current situation from a wider perspective, both historically and through the knowledge of the planetary dynamics that are operating at this time. The purpose of this article has been to offer this broad view, as well as to analyse the positive potential that we can extract, from the planetary positions, at this difficult time. Let us not forget, as history shows, that humanity has gone through great crises before. Therefore, let us learn from history and reflect on our current situation, in order to determine, with our individual and collective decisions, a brighter destiny.
© www.spiritualastrology.co.uk – Mercedes Simón
* The text in this article is based on a seminar that I gave on December 10, 2019, in Madrid. In it, the powerful planetary configuration of the current moment —as well as the astrological resonance with other historical moments— was shown. Although the future appearance of the coronavirus was not extracted out of this seminar, it was revealed that humanity is facing a historical moment of radical changes, at the economic, political, ecological, social and spiritual levels. Now, given the surge of the coronavirus and its consequences, I find it appropriate to write in this blog the astrological and historical notions that were presented in that seminar and more.
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I am Mercedes Simón, an astrologer since 2010, and former architect. I fully dedicate myself to Astrology and Spirituality, doing natal chart readings, articles, videos and astrological research. Astrology is my true vocation, and I dedicate myself to it with passion. I do most of my research work for free. All donations go a long way towards helping me to continue with my astrological research, articles and videos. If you would like to contribute to my work, any donation will be received wholeheartedly, with great appreciation and gratitude.
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