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1 – Natal Chart Reading

This is an initial reading of your natal chart, where we will explore the main psychological aspects and planetary influences that are shown in your chart. We will explore your talents, difficulties and potential as a human being, as well as different areas of your life, such as: personality, money, studies, family, home, children, relationships, work, health, friends, vocation and spirituality. Even though this is a general approach, special attention can be directed to those areas that concern you the most at the moment. The last part of the session will be dedicated to explore in general the planetary influences that are active in different areas of your life for the next year, so you can gain insight on those areas where you will be presented with greatest challenges or opportunities during the next twelve months.

Duration of the Reading: 1 hour  Fee: £90

2 – Monthly Consultation

In order to have this reading, you need to have a natal chart consultation first, where we will explore your chart as a whole. Then, if you wish to continue with monthly consultations, in this reading you will gain insight on the main areas of your life that will be activated over the next thirty days. Whether it is relationships, job opportunities or other personal matters, you will have an overview of the major influences that will be affecting your life. You will be provided with specific dates for the following month in which the planetary transits will be favourable for you take direct action or to adopt a more reflective approach in the different areas of your life. We will also examine the phases of the moon in correspondence with your chart for the next month, and how you can use them in the most favourable of ways to start or finish personal matters.

Duration of the Reading: 30 minutes  Fee: £50

3 – Work, Money, Vocation and Career Reading

This reading is aimed at those who wish to explore their personal talents in depth and find a career path where they can find fulfilment, joy, professional achievements and reward. During this reading we will explore the main professions that are suitable for you, as well as your personal skills in communication, creativity, social, scientific, technological and humanistic matters. We will also look at your personality in terms of whether you are more suited to work individually or within a team; engaging with the public or as manager of a company; as freelance with a changeable schedule, or in a fixed daily job. Additionally will we look at the world map, to explore in which parts of the world you are more likely to achieve professional success or recognition. The last part of this reading will be dedicated to explore the natural way in which you can earn your income and create a healthy flow of money in your life.

Duration of the Reading: 1 hour  Fee: £90

Career & Vocation Reading
Work - Career - Vocation - Money - Success - Worldy Achievements
Reserve Your Vocation Reading Here


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